Water frog Bibliography L - N

Lác, J. (1959a).
Príspevok k systematike, rozsireniu a k bionómii skokanov Rana ridibunda Pall. a Rana esculenta L. na Slovensku. I.
Biológia (Bratislava), 14 (9), 665-673.

Lác, J. (1959b).
Príspevok k systematike, rozsireniu a k bionómii skokanov Rana ridibunda Pall. a Rana esculenta L. na Slovensku. II.
Biológia (Bratislava), 14 (12), 896-912.

Lada, G. A., Borkin, L. J., & Vinogradov, A. E. (1995).
Distribution, population systems and reproductive behavior of green frogs (hybridogenetic Rana esculenta complex) in the central Chernozem territory of Russia.
Russian Journal of Herpetology, 2 (1), 46-57.

Lizana, M., Márquez, R., Martín-Sánchez, R., Ciudad, J., López, A., & Orfao, A. (1993).
DNA content/cell of Rana perezi in the Iberian Peninsula as analyzed by flow cytometry.
In: 7th Ordinary General Meeting Societas Europaea Herpetologica. 15-19 September 1993. Barcelona, Spain. Program and Abstracts, (Bricall & et al., J., eds) p. 93. Barcelona.

Lizana, M., Mellado, V. P., & Ciudad, M. J. (1987).
Biometry and relation with the ecology of Rana iberica and Rana perezi in the Sistema Central (Spain).
In: Proceedings of the 4th Ordinary General Meeting of the Societas Europaea Herpetologica, (Gelder, van, J. J., Strijbosch, H., Bergers, & M., P. J., eds) pp. 253-258. Faculty of Sciences Nijmegen.

Low, P., Sass, M., Csörgo, T., & Török, J. (1989).
Biochemical investigation of the Rana esculenta complex in the Kis-Balaton Nature Reserve, Hungary.
Acta Biologica Hungarica, 40 (1-2), 137-144.

Lutschinger, G. (1988).
Zur Überwinterung der Wasserfrösche in den Donau- und Marchauen (Ostösterreich).
In: Beiträge zur Biologie und Bibliographie (1960-1987) der europäischen Wasserfrösche, (Günther, R. & Klewen, R., eds) volume 1 pp. 153-160. Jahrbuch für Feldherpetologie, Beiheft Duisburg.

Mancino, G., Ragghianti, M., Bucci, S., Berger, L., Hotz, H., & Uzzell, T. (1985).
Rana esculenta complex: un modello per studi citogeografici?
Atti Soc. Toscana Sci. Nat. Mem. (B) 92, 259-266.

Martínez, I. P., Alvarez, R., & Herraez, M. P. (1996).
Growth and metamorphosis of Rana perezi larvae in culture: effects of larval density.
Aquaculture, 142 (3-4), 163-170.

Martínez, I. P., Herraez, M. P., & Alvarez, R. (1993a).
Optimal level of dietary protein for Rana perezi Seoane larvae.
Aquacult. Fish. Manage. 24 (3), 271-278.

Martínez, I. P., Herraez, M. P., & Alvarez, R. (1993b).
Response of hatchery reared Rana perezi larvae fed different diets.
In: 7th Ordinary General Meeting Societas Europaea Herpetologica. 15-19 September 1993. Barcelona, Spain. Program and Abstracts, (Bricall, J. & et al., eds) p. 98. Barcelona.

Martínez, I. P., Herraez, M. P., & Alvarez, R. (1994).
Response of hatchery-reared Rana perezi larvae fed different diets.
Aquaculture, 128 (3-4), 235-244.

Martínez, I. P., Herraez, M. P., Dominguez, M. C., & Alvarez, R. (1993).
Nutritional use of diets by Rana perezi Seoane larvae.
Aquacult. Fish. Manage. 24 (4), 507-516.

Mazin, A. L. & Borkin, L. J. (1979).
Nuclear DNA content in green frogs of the genus Rana.
Mitteilungen aus dem zoologischen Museum in Berlin, 55 (1), 217-224.

Mertens, R. & Wermuth, H. (1960).
Die Amphibien und Reptilien Europas (Dritte Liste, nach dem Stand vom 1. Januar 1960).
Frankfurt am Main: Senckenberg-Buch 38. W. Kramer.

Meyer, F. & Grosse, W.-R. (1997).
Nachweis von Albinismus bei Rana kl. esculenta L. (Amphibia: Ranidae).
Salamandra, 33 (1), 75-78.

Mezhzherin, S. V. (1992).
Novyj vid zelenych ljagusek Rana terentievi sp. nova (Amphibia, Ranidae) iz juznogo Tadzikistana [A new species of green frogs Rana terentievi sp. nova (Amphibia, Ranidae) from South Tadjikistan].
Doklady Akademii Nauk Ukrainy, 1992 (5), 154-157.

Mezhzherin, S. V. (1997).
Genetic differentiation and species identity of the marsh frog, Rana ridibunda Pall. (Amphibia, Ranidae) from Eastern Kazakhstan.
Zoological Zhurnal, 76 (8), 933-939.

Mezhzherin, S. V. (1998).
Allozyme variation character of the lactate dehydrogenase (E.C. in vertebrate animals.
Russ. J. Genet. (in press), .

Mezhzherin, S. V. & Leonov, S. Y. M. (1997).
Gene introgression in hybrid populations of green frogs of Rana esculenta L., 1758 complex (Amphibia, Ranidae) from the Dnepr basin.
Genetika, 33 (3), 358-364.

Mezhzherin, S. V. & Morozov-Leonov, S. J. (1992).
Aberrantnye fenotipy lokusa Ldh-B v gibridnych populjacijach Rana esculenta complex (Amphibia, Ranidae).
Doklady Akademii Nauk, 324 (6), 1314-1317.

Mezhzherin, S. V. & Morozov-Leonov, S. J. (1993).
Populjacionno-geneticeskij analiz struktury gibridnych populjacij Rana esculenta L. complex (Amphibia, Ranidae) [Population-genetic analysis of the structure of hybrid populations of the Rana esculenta L. complex (Amphibia, Ranidae)].
Citologija i Genetika (Kiev), 27 (2), 63-68 + Plate.

Mezhzherin, S. V. & Morozov-Leonov, S. J. (1994).
Geneticeskije defekty pri nasledovanii i izmencivost' lukusa Ldh-B v gibridnych populjacijach Rana esculenta complex (Amphibia, Ranidae) [Genetic defects upon inheritance and the Ldh-B locus variability in hybrid populations of Rana esculenta complex (Amphibia Ranidae)].
Izvestija Akademii Nauk Serija Biologiceskaja (Moskva), 5, 779-787.

Mezhzherin, S. V. & Morozov-Leonov, S. Y. (1996).
Genetical analysis of hybrid population structure of green frog complex Rana esculenta L. (Amphibia, Ranidae) from Vohlin'.
Tsitologija i Genetika, 30 (1), 48-53.

Mezhzherin, S. V., Morozov-Leonov, S. Y., & Piontkovskaya, E. A. (1997).
Allozyme variability of endemic species of amphibians in the eastern Carpathians.
In: Biological Diversity of Carpathian Reserve, (????, ed) pp. 352-367. Kiev.

Mezhzherin, S. V. & Peskov, V. N. (1992a).
Biochemical variability and genetic differentiation of populations of the marsh frog Rana ridibunda Pall.
Citologija i genetika (Kiev), 26 (1), 43-48.

Mezhzherin, S. V. & Peskov, V. N. (1992b).
Biochimiceskaja izmencivost' i geneticeskaja differenciacija populjacij ozernoj ljaguski Rana ridibunda Pall. [Biochemical variability and genetic differentiation of populations of the marsh frog Rana ridibunda Pall.].
Citologija i Genetika (Kiev), 26 (1), 43-48.

Milinski, M. (1994).
Hybridogenetic frogs on an evolutionary dead end road.
Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 9 (2), 62.

Misjura, A. N., Cernysenko, S. V., & Varenko, N. I. (1990).
Sochranenie i ispol'zovanie populjacij ozernoj ljaguski v uslovijach vlijanija na ekosistemy promyslennych stocnych vod.
In: Zookul'tura amfibij, (Syroeckovskij, E., E., Salomatina, & I., N., eds) pp. 112-119. Akademia Nauk SSSR Moskva.

Miura, I., Ohtani, H., Nakamura, M., & Saitoh, K. (1997).
Fluorescence replication banding of frog chromosomes.
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 53 (1), 73-77.

Monnerot, M., Dubois, A., & Tunner, H. (1985).
Mitochondrial DNA polymorphism among Rana ridibunda, Rana lessonae and Rana kl. esculenta: preliminary study.
Alytes, 4 (3), 101-112.

Monnerot, M., Mounolou, J.-C., & Solignac, M. (1984).
Intra-individual length heterogeneity of Rana esculenta mitochondrial DNA.
Biology of the Cell, 52, 213-218.

Morand, A. & Joly, P. (1995).
Habitat variability and space utilization by the amphibian communities of the French Upper-Rhone floodplain.
Hydrobiologia, 300/301, 249-257.

Morescalchi, A. (1962).
Osservazioni sul corredo cromosomico di Rana esculenta L.
Bollettino di Zoologia, 29 (2), 601-608.

Morescalchi, A. (1973).
In: Cytotaxonomy and vertebrate evolution, (Chiarelli, B., A., & Capanna, E., eds) pp. 233-348. Academic Press London.

Morescalchi, A. & Filosa, S. (1965).
Osservazioni sui cromosomi piumosi di Rana esculenta L.
Atti della Società Pelor. Sci. Fis. Mat. Nat. 11 (3), 211-219.

Mosansky, A. (1977).
Katalóg suchozemskych stavovcov Vychodoslovenského Muzea v Kosiciach I. Batrachologické a herpetológické zbierky [Katalog festländischer Vertebrata des Ostslowakischen Museums in Kosice I. Batrachologische und herpethologische Sammlungen].
Zborník Vuchodoslovenského Múzea v Kosiciach, 17 (AB), 55-70.

Muhaisen, F. D., Salman, N. A., & Mahdi, A. A. (1986).
On the control of tadpoles in fish farms at Basrah University. 1. The effect of certain chemicals in controlling tadpoles of Rana ridibunda and the larvae of Gambusia affinis.
Kuwait Bull. Mar. Sci. 1986, 133-139.

Negovetic, S. (1995).
Effects of food and temperature on development of hemiclonal hybrid waterfrog tadpoles and their sexual host parental species.
Diploma thesis Universität Zürich.

Neveu, A. (1989).
In: Atlas de repartition des Amphibiens et Reptiles de France, (France & de, S. H., eds) pp. 89-91. Paris.

Nevo, E. (1976).
Adaptive strategies of genetic systems in constant and varying environments.
In: Population genetics and ecology, (Karlin, S. & Nevo, E., eds) pp. 141-158. Academic Press New York, San Francisco and London.

Nevo, E. & Filippucci, M. G. (1988).
Genetic differentiation between Israeli and Greek populations of the marsh frog, Rana ridibunda.
Zoologischer Anzeiger, 221 (5/6), 418-424.

Nevo, E. & Schneider, H. (1983).
Structure and variation of Rana ridibunda mating call in Israel (Amphibia: Anura).
Israel Journal of Zoology, 32 (1), 45-60.

Nevo, E. & Yang, S. Y. (1979).
Genetic structure and variation of marsh frog populations in Israel.
Israel Journal of Zoology, 28, 55.

Nevo, E. & Yang, S. Y. (1982).
Genetic diversity and ecological relationships of marsh frog populations in Israel.
Theoretical and applied Genetics, 63, 317-330.

Nishioka, M. & Ohtani, H. (1984).
Hybridogenetic reproduction of allotriploids between Japanese and European pond frogs.
Zoological Science (Tokyo), 1 (2), 291-316.

Nishioka, M., Okumoto, H., & Ryuzaki, M. (1987).
A comparative study on the karyotypes of pond frogs distributed in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Europe and North America.
Scientific Report of the Laboratory for amphibian Biology Hiroshima University, 9 (4), 135-163.

Nishioka, M. & Sumida, M. (1992).
Biochemical differentiation of pond frogs distributed in the Palearctic region.
Scientific Report of the Laboratory for amphibian Biology Hiroshima University, 11 (2), 71-108.

Nopp, H. & Tunner, H. (1985).
Zur Sauerstoffbindung des Blutes von Rana ridibunda Pall., Rana lessonae Cam. und Rana esculenta L. (Ranidae, Anura) bei normaler und erniedrigter Sauerstoffspannung.
Sitzungsberichte der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Klasse,, (I) 194 (1-5), 125-130.